A Mask, A Box and A Mop
Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined ballet to be so restrictive. For me, ballet is an art form which is free, moving and inspiring so my challenge this week has been allowing the students to feel free, to move and be inspired without letting them outside of their dance space. The famous words of Dirty Dancing ‘This is my dance space and that is yours’ have never been more relevant! I did think that I would be constantly reminding younger students to stay inside their box but all of them have taken to this new rule nicely and enjoy having ownership of their own area of the studio. The pianist I work with has been amazing and together we made up this tune to ‘I’m a little teapot’ for our 4 year old students:
‘’I’m a ballerina smart and posed, Here’s my tummy and there’s my toes.
When you hear the music hear me say, Stay inside my box today.’’
I am certainly not a singer but hey it works, so it is worth it right? As well as singing, this week I have been testing a new variety of crazy headbands to stop my visor from rubbing rubbing and have been improving my traffic control skills whilst helping students enter and leave the studio. A wide range of mops have become my new best friend and the fresh smell of cleaning has become the norm. The main things is the dance world is slowly waking up again and to be a part of that is truly quite special.