Core, Countdown and Strength
‘‘’Countdown to Core’’ is the new training scheme I am doing with all of my junior and senior students to help strengthen those all-important tummy muscles. There are 3 muscles in the core area that dancers should be aware of in order to create a square pelvis. These are the oblique abdominal muscles, situated either side of the waist and the rectus abdominis which extends vertically between the pubis and the fifth, sixth, and seventh ribs.
Dance teachers love tummy muscles and asking the students to locate their core and engage the muscles around this area is a regular occurrence in class. However, finding time to provide alternative exercise that strengthen the core in class time proves tricky and this is where my all-new ‘’Countdown to Core’’ has come in! A short 3-minute work out to a piano version of the Mission Impossible theme tune helps to motivate everyone. Students create superhero poses and are taken through a series of balances and stretches which are held for 3 or 5 seconds depending on their ability. I am hoping to see progress throughout the next 6 weeks which will help my students to become stronger dancers. To infinity and beyond!!